Archives for October 2008

Info on Montana's State Bird: The Western Meadowlark

The Montana state bird is like the state’s citizens: deeply protective of its territory, fans of fence posts to mark land, and solitary–no wonder the Western Meadowlark was chosen as the state bird. But unlike the Montana State Flower or Animal, which were chosen by adult voters, Montana’s children picked this songbird to represent their […]

Info on Montana's State Flower: The Bitterroot

The bitterroot, voted the Montana State Flower in 1894, perennially sprouts beside snow banks as winter retreats. Its whiteish-pinkish-purple petals are an iconic image of western Montana and Glacier National Park. The bitterroot (Lewisia rediviva) grows from southern British Columbia, along the coast of California, against the Rocky Mountains of Coloraod and into the high-altitude […]